Friday, September 28, 2007
Thursday, September 27, 2007
Writing/Reflection for our first major drawing- a modified contour drawing of your hand.
First, students were asked to score themselves on a scale of 0-4 (4 being highest) on each of the five perceptual skills needed for drawing, as well as how much better they think their drawings have been getting.
First, students were asked to score themselves on a scale of 0-4 (4 being highest) on each of the five perceptual skills needed for drawing, as well as how much better they think their drawings have been getting.
- Perception of Edges
- Perception of Spaces (composition)
- Perception of Relationships (proportions)
- Perception of Values (shading)
- Gestalt (Wholeness, One-ness, finished-ness)
- Improvement
- Did you lose tack of time?
- Did the drawing at some point become interesting to you? (Captivating/Intriguing?)
- Did you experience any distraction from your (left hemisphere) verbal mode? If so, how did you escape it?
- In 10 words or less, simply describe your drawing. (This question focuses on the Sensory Elements of Design; line, shape, space, shading, etc. Description is pretty low on Bloom's Taxonomy of critical thinking skills.)
- What about your drawing will capture and maintain a viewer's attention? (This questions forces them to analyze their artwork, analysis is a little higher up Bloom's Taxonomy, and this pushes them into considering the Formal Principles of Design)
- What does you drawing make you think of? What do you think it will make viewers think of? How do you think viewers will feel if they look at it for a long time? What is the mood of your drawing? What would you title your work? Write a poem to accompany your work. (this series of questions have the students interpreting their own work, another step up the taxonomy, this one more imaginative and reflective, but more subjective.)
- What grade do you believe you deserve on this assignment and why? (This question involves using judgment/self-assessment, but forces them to articulate their reasoning. They already have criteria with the 0-4 rating system that they started with.)
Tuesday, September 25, 2007
007 Yearbooks
007 Boyer Valley Yearbooks
By Ted Mallory, MS/HS Art
2007 Yearbooks are $36. Extra copies
will be given to Secretaries Karen Staley at BVS and Marvel Handstead at BVN so that they will be available to purchase in the school offices.
2007 yearbooks will be on sale before and after school and during 3rd period from Mr. Mallory. Students should not come between classes or during lunch.
Students who pre-ordered copies of the 2006-07 yearbook can pick up their yearbooks from Editor Bonnie Erlbacher, Ad Director Vicki Jones or Yearbook Advisor, Ted Mallory in the Art Room (219). You can't pick up a book for someone else without a signed note from that person.
Yearbook staff members will soon be selling advertising and taking orders for the 2007-08 Book, keep an eye out for them.
Pirate Prayers at:
Ted's cartoons, artworks, photos, and commentary at:
"The gospel is meant to comfort the afflicted and afflict the comfortable." ~Garrison Keillor
By Ted Mallory, MS/HS Art
2007 Yearbooks are $36. Extra copies
will be given to Secretaries Karen Staley at BVS and Marvel Handstead at BVN so that they will be available to purchase in the school offices.
2007 yearbooks will be on sale before and after school and during 3rd period from Mr. Mallory. Students should not come between classes or during lunch.
Students who pre-ordered copies of the 2006-07 yearbook can pick up their yearbooks from Editor Bonnie Erlbacher, Ad Director Vicki Jones or Yearbook Advisor, Ted Mallory in the Art Room (219). You can't pick up a book for someone else without a signed note from that person.
Yearbook staff members will soon be selling advertising and taking orders for the 2007-08 Book, keep an eye out for them.
Pirate Prayers at:
Ted's cartoons, artworks, photos, and commentary at:
"The gospel is meant to comfort the afflicted and afflict the comfortable." ~Garrison Keillor
Monday, September 24, 2007
Vocab Terms for Quiz on Thursday, September 28:
If you don't know from our reading or my teaching what any of these are- a great idea would be to take a look in the glossary of our book. Also, you will notice, the quiz is Thursday, not Friday (due to all the big homecoming hullabaloo). And remember all of MY quizzes for all of MY classes are all open-note. SO take 'em, keep 'em, and be sure to bring 'em- 'cause ya can't use 'em if ya don't got 'em and you're not allowed to used somebody else's.
- Trim size (ours is 7)
- Adobe InDesign CS2
- Job Number (ours is #00497)
- Signatures and Multiples (these are review)
- YearTech
If you don't know from our reading or my teaching what any of these are- a great idea would be to take a look in the glossary of our book. Also, you will notice, the quiz is Thursday, not Friday (due to all the big homecoming hullabaloo). And remember all of MY quizzes for all of MY classes are all open-note. SO take 'em, keep 'em, and be sure to bring 'em- 'cause ya can't use 'em if ya don't got 'em and you're not allowed to used somebody else's.
Web Design; Your own Frontpage Web
Alrighty, you asked for it- her it is...
A Microsoft Frontpage website of your own design. Please turn it in on your flash drive, inside a folder labeled with your initials and the due date. Ex: "TM928." That folder should be inside of a folder named "My Webs" for Frontpage and Explorer to read it correctly. Be sure to name your home page for the site "index.htm" all your other pages on the site should have the full ".html" extension.
Here are your site's specifications:
This will be graded the same as a quiz, but expect a short vocab quiz on Friday too. I will let you know what terms to study later this week (they will be review). And remember- This is your first MAJOR project, please work on this everyday all week. No surfing or studying for other classes until the last 10 minutes of class. Of course, if your going to get this done by Friday and make it good, you may not want to waste ANY time in class. If you save it to your flashdrive and have Frontpage at home, you're welcome to work on it outside of class.
Good luck and have fun!
A Microsoft Frontpage website of your own design. Please turn it in on your flash drive, inside a folder labeled with your initials and the due date. Ex: "TM928." That folder should be inside of a folder named "My Webs" for Frontpage and Explorer to read it correctly. Be sure to name your home page for the site "index.htm" all your other pages on the site should have the full ".html" extension.
Here are your site's specifications:
- 4-6 pages
- must include hypertext links to both internal and external sites
- must include at least one ordered list and one unordered list
- must include a navigation bar
- must include Anchors/bookmarks
- Must include pictures or graphics
- Should format the background to something other than blank. I reccomend simple and readable, weather color or image
- It can be personal, for a hobby or service, or it may be for an imaginary company, client, band or organization- it is up to you so long as it is "school-appropriate.
This will be graded the same as a quiz, but expect a short vocab quiz on Friday too. I will let you know what terms to study later this week (they will be review). And remember- This is your first MAJOR project, please work on this everyday all week. No surfing or studying for other classes until the last 10 minutes of class. Of course, if your going to get this done by Friday and make it good, you may not want to waste ANY time in class. If you save it to your flashdrive and have Frontpage at home, you're welcome to work on it outside of class.
Good luck and have fun!
2006-007 Yearbooks
Students who pre-ordered copies of the 2006-07 yearbook can come to the North door for room 222 (the Art computer graphics lab) across from the kitchen during Activity Period today to pick up your yearbook from Bonnie Erlbacher and Vicki Jones.
After that, 2007 yearbooks will be on sale before and after school and during 3rd period from Mr. Mallory this week. Please do not come between classes or during lunch. 2007 Yearbooks are $36. You can not pick up a book for someone else without a signed note from that person.
After that, 2007 yearbooks will be on sale before and after school and during 3rd period from Mr. Mallory this week. Please do not come between classes or during lunch. 2007 Yearbooks are $36. You can not pick up a book for someone else without a signed note from that person.
Friday, September 21, 2007
Thursday, September 20, 2007
Ceramics; temporary reprive
5th Hour Ceramics class, please note- A vocabulary quiz was scheduled for this Friday, Sep 21, The final drafts of your research papers were also due this Friday.
This Friday, you will come to Ceramics at 12:38 PM as usual, but at 1 PM you will be dismissed to your various Homecoming Committees at 1 PM
As my gift to you, BOTH the final draft and the quiz, are hereby rescheduled for Monday, Sep 24.
But please make sure to be prepared for both. Happy Homecoming Decoration Day, see you at the Coronation Sunday at 3:30 PM.
Click here to review your terms for the quiz
This Friday, you will come to Ceramics at 12:38 PM as usual, but at 1 PM you will be dismissed to your various Homecoming Committees at 1 PM
As my gift to you, BOTH the final draft and the quiz, are hereby rescheduled for Monday, Sep 24.
But please make sure to be prepared for both. Happy Homecoming Decoration Day, see you at the Coronation Sunday at 3:30 PM.
Click here to review your terms for the quiz
"No matter how busy you may think you are, you must find time for reading, or surrender yourself to self-chosen ignorance."
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
Happy International Talk-Like-A-Pirate Day
Aye, just wanted t' wish you the 'ery happy holiday. Gar.
You can talk like me too, just visit:
Me ka pule,
Pirate Ted
Pirate Prayers at:
Ted's cartoons, artworks, photos, and commentary at:
"The gospel is meant to comfort the afflicted and afflict the comfortable." ~Garrison Keillor
Aye, just wanted t' wish you the 'ery happy holiday. Gar.
You can talk like me too, just visit:
Me ka pule,
Pirate Ted
Pirate Prayers at:
Ted's cartoons, artworks, photos, and commentary at:
"The gospel is meant to comfort the afflicted and afflict the comfortable." ~Garrison Keillor
Monday, September 17, 2007
Middle School Art; Cross Contours
I haven't been making any posts for the junior high kids, so I thought they were due. We've been learning about the Elements of Design and the first one is Line. After studying about contour line drawing, we learned about how "Cross-Contour Lines" can actually model the forms of objects. Here are just a couple of examples;
Here's Kevin's Mason Jar
And this is Karena's bottle of 409. Great job 7th Graders!

Drawing; What we've been up to

Drawing Upside Down is in Chapt. 4, pp. 57-61 (Horse drawing from p.64) in our textbook, "Blind" or Pure Contour Drawing is in Chapter 6, pp. 88-95 in Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain; a course in enhancing creativity and artistic confidence by Betty Edwards, © 1999 Tharcher/Putnam
Ceramics; Terms for Fri 9/21 plus GOOD NEWS!
Here are your terms for this Friday's quiz:
Bad News? Your Research Papers are due this Friday, Sep. 21- make sure to make the recommended revisions if you want to get a better grade than the one on your rough draft.
Good News? AT LAST! We have clay!!! Plan to get muddy when I get back on Wednesday!
Girls, kiss those fancy manicures goodbye till next semester.
- Crazing
- Crawling
- Englobe
- Glossy
- Matte
Bad News? Your Research Papers are due this Friday, Sep. 21- make sure to make the recommended revisions if you want to get a better grade than the one on your rough draft.
Good News? AT LAST! We have clay!!! Plan to get muddy when I get back on Wednesday!
Girls, kiss those fancy manicures goodbye till next semester.
Web Design; Terms for Fri 9/21 Quiz
Okay "Web-Heads, " here's some new vocabulary for you. Remember where I recommend that you look, PCMag Encyclopedia &/or Web Monkey's glossary-
See if you can figure out what each of these tags do by Thursday:
- Anchor
- Bookmark
- Site Map
- Navigation
See if you can figure out what each of these tags do by Thursday:
< a name="value">
< a href="#value" target="_self">
< a href="#value" target="_self">
Web Design; Search for definitions to web terminology here
Whenever you need a definition for a vocabulary term that I give you in class, you can probably find it at PC Magazine's E-ncyclopedia:
If you can't find it there, may I suggest
Sunday, September 16, 2007
Weekends; Open invitation
I generally try to observe the separation of Church and State, unlike a lot of Christians, I think it's actually a pretty good idea. Be that as it may, I do want to offer a standing open invitation to anyone who ever wants to come check out the high school Bible study that I lead every Sunday morning at 9 in the basement kitchen at St John Lutheran Church in Charter Oak.
Click here to see the kind of things we cover.
If you're nervous or shy or embarrassed or whatever, don't be. There's no obligations whatsoever. you don't HAVE to stay for church, upstairs at 10, to bring any money for an offering, or even to come back if you decide you don't like it. Just follow HWY L51 into Charter Oak, you can park by the back and come in through the back door on the North West corner, keep coming through the room with the refrigerator, water heater and trash cans and I'll be there to your left at the end of the kitchen table.
Right now we're studying Jesus' Sermon on the Mount in Matthew 5-7. In October we'll start on how to think positive and try to fight off depression with Paul's letter to the Philippians.
Everyone is always welcome, but I'll never try to force my beliefs on you in school, but I'm always here if you need someone to pray for you about something.
Click here to see the kind of things we cover.
If you're nervous or shy or embarrassed or whatever, don't be. There's no obligations whatsoever. you don't HAVE to stay for church, upstairs at 10, to bring any money for an offering, or even to come back if you decide you don't like it. Just follow HWY L51 into Charter Oak, you can park by the back and come in through the back door on the North West corner, keep coming through the room with the refrigerator, water heater and trash cans and I'll be there to your left at the end of the kitchen table.
Right now we're studying Jesus' Sermon on the Mount in Matthew 5-7. In October we'll start on how to think positive and try to fight off depression with Paul's letter to the Philippians.
Everyone is always welcome, but I'll never try to force my beliefs on you in school, but I'm always here if you need someone to pray for you about something.

Saturday, September 15, 2007
See pictures from Friday's West Harrison Game

See Cheerleading pictures at
Friday, September 14, 2007
Elementary Art Resourses
Okay, Colleagues of the short people,
Here are a whole slew of websites and elementary art lesson plans on the web. See, not being a qualified Elementary Educator myself, I'd probably come up short if I tried to write your lessons for you. Besides, if I gave you all of my fun, short lessons on the elements of design, what would I have left to teach Seventh graders?
I will be sure to send more resources your way as I discover them through out this year. Good luck!
Some Specific Lesson Plans
Some Specific Lesson Plans
Here are a whole slew of websites and elementary art lesson plans on the web. See, not being a qualified Elementary Educator myself, I'd probably come up short if I tried to write your lessons for you. Besides, if I gave you all of my fun, short lessons on the elements of design, what would I have left to teach Seventh graders?
I will be sure to send more resources your way as I discover them through out this year. Good luck!
Some Specific Lesson Plans
- Incredible Art Department - this is from Princeton University
- The Worldwide Art Gallery
- Prairie Visions - they have summer workshops for teachers in Nebraska
- Artsonia Kids Art Museum - The Largest Student Art Gallery on the Web! I liked this one, hopefully you'll enjoy it more than KinderArt
- KinderArt - Art Lessons - Art Education: The largest collection of free art lessons and art education information on the Internet.
- Preschool arts and crafts
- A. Pintura: Art Detective -This is really kind of fun, I assume you remember Carmen San Diego? It's like that only his name is like Ace Ventura, Pet Detective.
- Living Colour
- The Art Teacher Connection Home Page
- Search Lesson Plans (Education at the Getty)
- Crayola® Creativity Central - Lesson Plans
- A Lifetime of Color - (from Sharpie Markers)
- Inside Art: An Art History Game
- Art Resources in Teaching
- Drawing in One-Point Perspective
- MoMA | online projects | Art Safari
- National Gallery of Art | NGAkids home page
- Color Matters
Some Specific Lesson Plans
- A Lesson Plan for Why the Mona Lisa is Smiling
- Art and Technology--for those would want to use technology in art education Art - Math -Science Connections
- Art Strand Lessons
- AskERIC - Art Activities
- Carolyn Roberts--computer art lesson plans using MS Paint
- Christmas Stockings/ Spiders / Skeletons Lessons
- Computer Art--more computer art lesson plans using MS Paint
- Drawing Lessons
- Great Art Lessons
- Judy Decker's Incredible Art Resources
- Education resources
- McREL (Mid-continent Research for Education and Learning) The Arts Lesson Plans and Activities
- Painting Lessons
Mr. Mallory's Rules for using Clay
No throwing clay (this is not the zoo and you are not orangutans)
- Please avoid getting clay or glaze ion other people's clothing or in their hair.
- Please wedge the clay or work the clay, but do not slam the clay (this is ineffective in warming it up and making it more pliable and it is just plain annoying).
- Please don't eat the clay (it may be true that clay is just mud, which is just dirt and water and "God made dirt and dirt don't hurt," but it could make you fairly ill, so ingesting any is ill-advised).
- Please do not make anything that could be considered inappropriate for school:
A) Overtly and graphiccally violent or occult.
B) Alcohol, tobacco or illicit drug paraphernalia
C) Anything sexually explicit, erotic, or suggestive. - And a new rule being added just this year because some kids seem to have a problem with it; Please do not draw or write on the tables with clay.
Thursday, September 13, 2007
Silly Stuff
Yearbook; PRNDL12
Here are some of the STATEMENTS generated by our brainstorming on Wednesday; See if some of these sound good enough to be advertising slogans- which ones would make a tee shirt cool enough that you'd want to buy it?
- Put yourself in Drive.
- Get in gear.
- Gear up!
- Put the pedal to the metal.
- Get your drive on.
- Burn rubber.
- Siphon knowledge.
- Do the putt of life.
- First gear, it's alright
- Put it into gear
- On the road again
- Zoom Zoom
- Take the wheel of life
- Punch it!
- Life is a highway
- School bus stop ahead
- I... can't ... drive... 55! (ala Sammy Hagar, I presume?)
- Put it in gear
- Put it in Drive
- Kick it into gear
- Kick it into high gear
- Need for speed
- That red dirt road
- Click it or ticket
- Don't veer for deer
- Dim your lights
- Oh, holy @#&*! (Hmmm, not sure what Mr. Straight would think of this one)
- Keep it between the ditches
- Keep it between the lines
- Start it up
You all got me thinking now, are there movies, TV Shows or songs that relate to PRNDL? You already touched on a few. Here are some that come to my mind:
- Fast & the Furious
- Dukes of Hazzard
- Knight Rider
- Pimp my ride (MTV)
- Tick my truck (CMT)
- Talledega Nights
- Speed TV
- Disiney/Pixar's 'Cars'
- Radar Love
- Convoy by C.W. McCoy
- Smokey & the Bandit, I, II, & III
- Cannon Ball Run, I, & II
How about auto racing video games? What are your favorite automobile comercials? I liked when Snoop Dogg was golfing with Crysler Pres. Lee Iacoca and said "If the ride is fly, you must buy." Then the "Un-Pimp" your ride "holding it down on the engineering edge, yo" Volkswagen ones were pretty good too. How about you guys? What songs, games, shows, movies, or comercials does PRNDL make you think of? Remember- Relavance, Relatable, and Rememberable. Start thinking now, because you know I'll probably assign you to brainstorm eventually...
Wednesday, September 12, 2007
Yearbook; PRNDL12
Here are some questions generated by our brainstorming on Wednesday;
- Are you in gear?
- What gear are you in?
- Where are ya driving?
- Can you drive it?
- Gotta Hemmy?
- Where are we going?
- How much have you had to drink?
- What's the speed limit?
- Where's the main road?
- Are we there yet?
- Where's your seatbelt?
- What is 'PRNDL?'
- 0 to 60 in how many seconds?
- What happened on that red dirt road?
- Are my tires flat?
- Automatic or manual?
- Why does my car smell so funny?
- Why is that light on?
- Did I hit it?
- Where's the ditch?
- How long has THAT been there?
- How did the crack in the windshield get there?
- Should I hit it?
- Who put that there?
Teachers; Art basics for non-art teachers
And here is a PDF of the National Standards for Art
Something silly
Web Design; STUDY!!!
This week you should be working on your "Mack & the Boys" website in Microsoft FrontPage. Remember to bring your flash drive when you come back to school CR, get well soon.
Everybody remember that this week's quiz is a repeat of last week's, just rearranged some. So please study last week's quiz that we went over together in class on Monday. Maybe take some notes, because, remember all of my quizzes are always open-note.
Please let me know if you have any questions on the "Mack & the Boys" site at all.
Contact me if you ever need to
Everybody remember that this week's quiz is a repeat of last week's, just rearranged some. So please study last week's quiz that we went over together in class on Monday. Maybe take some notes, because, remember all of my quizzes are always open-note.
Please let me know if you have any questions on the "Mack & the Boys" site at all.
Contact me if you ever need to
Ceramics; terms for Friday Sep 14 Quiz
Here are the NEW terms that will be added for this week's vocab quiz;
Still no word on when the stupid clay will get here. We'll have 2-3 more days of "study-hall" this week and start some non-clay sculpture projects next week. Sorry. Thanks for being so patient.
If you ever have any questions, please let me know
- Branding wheel
- Burnishing
- Centering
- Composite Pots
Still no word on when the stupid clay will get here. We'll have 2-3 more days of "study-hall" this week and start some non-clay sculpture projects next week. Sorry. Thanks for being so patient.
If you ever have any questions, please let me know
Yearbook; Sep 14 Vocab Quiz
Here are the NEW terms to look up in your book in preparation for this week's quiz on Friday:
If this is your first time to this website, if you're probably on the
part that will only show you Yearbook entries- if you want to see anything for Ceramics, Drawing or anything else, either click on that class's link in my schedule on the right to see posts for just that class, or click on the banner to see the whole shebang.
If you ever have any questions or concerns, don't ever hesitate to ask
- Direct Spin-Offs
- Indirect spin-offs
- Recognizable
- Relevant
- Repeatable
- Spread
- Ladder
- Signature
- Multiple
If this is your first time to this website, if you're probably on the
part that will only show you Yearbook entries- if you want to see anything for Ceramics, Drawing or anything else, either click on that class's link in my schedule on the right to see posts for just that class, or click on the banner to see the whole shebang.
If you ever have any questions or concerns, don't ever hesitate to ask
Friday, September 7, 2007
Yearbook; Sports Journalism at it's best
Web Design; Frogmen
Okay class, Here is a demo version of what the website you are going to be creating net week should look like: Mack and the Boys
Research Paper

Some of my Ceramics students have had a rough time trying to get their research papers formated correctly. Remember to refer to a copy of the BVCS Research Paper Guidelines handbook (available in the office or from your English teachers). But when in doubt, the JPEG above, or the link to the PDF will show you how it should look.
Thursday, September 6, 2007
Web Design; Frogmen
Tuesday, September 4, 2007
Web Design: Browse around for a better browser
A Web browser is a software application that enables a user to display and interact with text, images, and other information typically located on a Web page at a website on the World Wide Web or a local area network.
Click here to read Wikipedia's comparison of different web browsers They even have a time line of which was invented when.
If you'd like to learn more about each one or even download it, click on the browser's name in the market share chart below- I've added links to their sites.
Click here to read Wikipedia's comparison of different web browsers They even have a time line of which was invented when.
If you'd like to learn more about each one or even download it, click on the browser's name in the market share chart below- I've added links to their sites.
Market Share for August, 2007 |
Internet Explorer - 78.68% |
Firefox - 14.56% ( I prefer this one because it is safer and more customizable) |
Safari - 4.68% (From Mac, now available for PCs too) |
Opera - 0.88% |
Netscape - 0.71% (started back in 1994) |
Opera Mini - 0.27% (for mobile devices like phones & PDAs) |
Other - 0.22% |
Drawing; Igor

Igor Fyodorovich Stravinsky (Russian: Игорь Фёдорович Стравинский, Igor' Fjodorovič Stravinskij) (June 17, 1882 – April 6, 1971) was a Russian composer, considered by many in both the West and his native land to be the most influential composer of 20th century music.
Monday, September 3, 2007
D.E.A.R. Time; book reviews
I have written lots of book reviews on my "Mallory's Milieu" website. I keep many of these books in my classroom and students are more than welcome to borrow them for Drop Everything And Read (DEAR) time fourth hour. The more you read, the easier it gets, the easier it gets, the more you actually enjoy it, and the more you enjoy it, the more you learn, about everything. Smart isn't something you are or aren't- it's something you choose to be and the quickest way to get smarter is by reading.
To read more of my book reviews on everything from mysteries and comic books to politics, philosophy, and religion- just visit
Here is part of a review of a book that I just finished, which I had been reading during DEAR times:

Wow, what can I say? I was SO glad to see that Jance wasn't done with her character, Johanna Brady! Brady is the fictional 30-something sheriff of Cochise County in Southeastern Arizona. This time she has been re-elected, re-married, and is 9 months pregnant. This book has her breaking up a dog-fighting ring (very topical, right?) and solving a 30 year old cold case that her dead father was the arresting officer on. She has to deal with her obnoxious mother, being a mother of a teenager herself, her insane new in-laws, worrying about the well being of two of her subordinates, and the media on top of multiple murders.
To read more of my book reviews on everything from mysteries and comic books to politics, philosophy, and religion- just visit
Here is part of a review of a book that I just finished, which I had been reading during DEAR times:
Posted by Mallory's on Sep 2, '07 8:26 PM for everyone
Category: | Books |
Genre: | Mystery & Thrillers |
Author: | J.A. Jance |
Sunday, September 2, 2007
Mallory's Galleries

You can see some great pictures Mr. Mallory got at last Friday Night's football game against Treynor, and some wild shots he took camping this weekend at

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