Criteria | Score |
Met Deadline | |
Follows Formatting Guidelines (p.6) | |
Clear Thesis Statement (p.3) | |
Body; Clear topic sentences with relavant supports, flows well, uses active voice, transitions between paragraphs | |
Conclusion | |
Spelling & Grammar | |
Includes Internal Citations | |
Works Cited List | |
Biographical sketch of Artist | |
Information about Artist's work | |
Total Score |
Monday, March 31, 2008
Research Papers
Friday, March 28, 2008
Suffering without Photoshop?
MyViewPad download and review - image viewer from SnapFiles
MyViewPad is a simple and easy to use image viewer that can read about 80 image formats and write to about 25 formats. In addition to standard viewing features (zoom, rotate, slideshow, full-screen etc.) it also offers several image correction options, including sharpening/unsharp mask, color/contrast/brightness adjustments, blur, gray scale and more. MyViewPad displays EXIF and IPTC information next to every image (if available), supports embedded color profiles, and can also import images from a Twain source (scanner, camera etc.) and more.
Thursday, March 27, 2008
Photography Update
Reminder- Research Paper Rough Drafts are due Friday, March 28
Friday March 28 Quiz-
Settings & Icons hand-out
PP. 116-117, 120-121, & 122
New Terms:
- Contrast
- Density
- Dodge
- Burn
- Exposure
- Shutter
- Aperture
- Shutter Priority Mode
- Aperture Priority Mode
- Noise
- Grain
- Backlight
Fri April 4 Quiz-
Read Chapter 7 on lighting, pp. 131 ff
ASSIGNMENT Due Wed April 2:
Read assignment directions on page 132
Take 10-20 pictures with a variety of different lighting situations.
Tuesday, March 25, 2008
Painting Research Papers
Pop Artists
- Andy Warhol
- Barbara Kruger
- Chuck Close
- David Hockney
- James Rosenquist
- Jasper Johns
- Peter Max
- Robert Indiana
- Robert Rauschenberg
- Roy Lichtenstein
- Wayne Thiebaud
Abstract Expressionists
- Mark Rothko
- Jackson Pollack
Painting students will research and report on the life and work of an important photographer or inventor who influenced photography. The list above offers a variety of people to choose from.
Papers should follow the Boyer Valley Community School Research Paper Guidelines stylebook. I have several copies in the Art Room. This is essentially the Modern Language Association's format.
Please use at least 3 sources and do not have any of them be Wikipedia or just "Google."
I highly recommend that at least one of your 3 sources be an actual book or periodical.
Painting students should try to find 3 to 5 examples of the photographer's work online, and save JPEGs.
Be careful when doing image-searches online, some photographs may show gratuitous violence or illicit sexuality- I am not encouraging you to look for pictures that may be disturbing or inappropriate for school or for minors, I want you to be able to see examples of the works of these artists, but you should beware that these artists subjects may include "sex, politics, and religion," tragedy, comedy, etc- in other words, expect to find the unexpected. Also, expect to be frustrated by our schools and the AEA's content filters.
Students will have until Friday, April 4 to turn in their first drafts. Final drafts will be due April 11. Painting papers should be 3-5 pages in length.
Saturday, March 22, 2008
Happy Easter
Monday, March 17, 2008
Wednesday, March 12, 2008
photo editing and effects
Don't have PhotoShop at home and can't afford it, but want to be able to process pictures at home, not just at school? Try this.
photo editing and effects
Our Rating: (Excellent)
PhotoFiltre is a complete image editing and effects package, that will not only amaze you with features but also the fact that it is free (for personal use). It comes with many features that rival some commercial packages, as well as additional add-on that can be downloaded from the web site. PhotoFiltre offers all the standard editing features (selection, clone brush, paint brush etc.) as well as a large selection of image effects, photo masks, image adjustments, thumbnail browser and much more. The program also supports batch processing to apply filters, sizing, adjustments and transformations to a large number of images at once. PhotoFiltre comes with modern, well designed interface and is well suited for everything from simple resizing to advanced photo editing.
Pros: Great editing features; easy-to-use; fast loading
Cons: Does not support layers; no support for Photoshop filters
Tuesday, March 11, 2008
Biography Choices
Williard Boyle
Abel Niépce de Saint-Victor
Charles P. Ginsburg
Dr. Richard Maddox
Edwin Landis
Fredrick Scott Archer
George Eastman
George Smith
Harold E. Edgerton
John Mullin
Louis Daguerre
Nicephore Niépce
William Henry Fox Talbot
Artist Photographers
Alfred Steiglitz
Annie Leibowitz
Ansel Adams
Baron Adolph De Meyer
Charles Sheeler
David Hockney
Edward Weston
Imogen Cunningham
Jerry Uelsemann
Julia Margaret Cameron
Man Ray
Norman Parkinson
Sandy Skoglund
Willard Van Dyke
William Wegman
Charles Hoff
Charles Moore
David Douglas Duncan
Dorothea Lange
Eddie Adams
Henri Cartier-Bresson
Joe Rosenthal
Larry Burrows
Lewis Hine
Margaret Bourke-White
Matthew Brady
Nat Fein
Paul Vathis
Robert Capa
Timothy O’Sullivan
Digital Photography students will research and report on the life and work of an important photographer or inventor who influenced photography. The list above offers a variety of people to choose from.
Papers should follow the Boyer Valley Community School Research Paper Guidelines style book. I have several copies in the Art Room. This is essentially the Modern Language Association's format.
Please use at least 3 sources and do not have any of them be Wikipedia or just "Google."
I highly recommend that at least one of your 3 sources be an actual book or periodical.
DP students should try to find 3 to 5 examples of the photographer's work online, and save JPEGs to your sub folder in the Photography folder on the server.
Be careful when doing image-searches online, some photographs may show gratuitous violence or illicit sexuality- I am not encouraging you to look for pictures that may be disturbing or inappropriate for school or for minors, I want you to be able to see examples of the works of these photographers, but you should beware that these photographers' subjects may include "sex, politics, and religion," tragedy, comedy, sports, war, and celebrities... in other words, expect to find the unexpected. Also, expect to be frustrated by our schools and the AEA's content filters.
Students will have until Friday, March 21 to turn in their first drafts. Final drafts will be due March 28. Digital Photography papers should be 3-5 pages in length.

Some of my Ceramics students last semester have had a rough time trying to get their research papers formated correctly. Remember to refer to a copy of the BVCS Research Paper Guidelines handbook (available in the office or from your English teachers). But when in doubt, the JPEG above, or the link to the PDF will show you how it should look.
Monday, March 10, 2008
Notes; History of Photography Part I
- "Camera Obscura" used during Renaissance
- Permanent mirror predicted in science fiction (1700's)
- 1700's photo-reactive chemicals discovered
- Thomas Wedgwood experiments with silhouettes on china, cant make permanent
- 1827 Nicephore Niépce produces picture using material that hardens when exposed to light
(takes 8 hours of exposure) - Niépce dies, his partner, Louis Daguerre develops plates "daguerreotype" (only takes 1 1/2 hours to expose) and can make permanent by immersing in salt.
- By 1840, William Henry Fox Talbot invents "Calotype," Prints on paper instead of plates.
- 1848 Abel Niépce de Saint-Victor perfects negative process using emulsion on glass plates.
- 1851 Fredrick Scott Archer introduces "Collodion" process reduces exposure time down to 2-3 seconds, features positives, not negatives and requires wet processing. (Big carts)
- 1871 Dr. Richard Maddox uses gelatin emulsion, allows for "mass-produced" dry plates.
- 1884 John Carbutt and George Eastman use thin celluloid film for negatives, 1888 introduce "box" camera.
Friday, March 7, 2008
Thursday, March 6, 2008
Digital Photography comic strip
Shutterbugs, if you have half a sense of humor and can laugh at yourself, then may I recommend Aaron Johnson's "What the Duck."
Gnimocemoh 2008!
Spring Spirit Week
March 06, 2008
Dress-up Days:
Monday 3/10- Camouflage Day
Tuesday 3/11- Dodgeball Day (dress as your team)
Dodgeball Tournamentsponsored by the Student Council ~ Tues., March 11th ~ sign up in Mr. Armstead’s room.
Wednesday 3/12- Fairy Tale Day
Thursday 3/13- Hollywood Day
Buy your 2008 Gnimocemoh Tee-Shirt-Specially designed for your friends to autograph. Just $10 in Mr. Armstead’s room.
Friday 3/14- Spirit Day, traditional purple & white. GO DOGS!
Photo Writing Project
What you may consider doing is selecting one of the "Significant people" that Leggat lists on the left and, and get at least 2 more sources besides Leggat to help you come up with a quick biography. Because this is photography, it would be a good idea to do a google-image-search for some of their work that you could share in your report.
Here are a couple of other helpful links:
Wednesday, March 5, 2008
Photo Assignment; Due Wed Mar 12
- Tight details (facial features, clothing accessories etc.)
- "Macro" objects (plants, statues, paint bottles or brushes, keys, purses, books etc.)
- Depth of field, layered scene (foreground & background blurred, middle-ground sharp)
- Zoom as much as your camera will allow (subject is across the room or in doorway)
Mallory Sub plans- WED MAR 5
- Tight details (facial features, clothing accessories etc.)
- "Macro" objects (plants, statues, paint bottles or brushes, keys, purses, books etc.)
- Depth of field, layered scene (foreground & background blurred, middle-ground sharp)
- Zoom as much as your camera will allow (subject is across the room or in doorway)
5 Painting- continue tracing or begin painting abstract-shape-portraits, those waiting in line to trace may "free-paint" or "free-draw," or may use the time to do work for other classes, but should be doing something. Overheads are under blank paper by overhead. Again, clean up is important.
6 Yearbook- Should be;
- Revising pages that were corrected last week
- Starting new pages assigned yesterday
- Seniors can start working on Senior Section
- Jamie (really anybody) should look in the "Deadline 1" folder for sub folders marked "Found on graphicslab 7" and "Found on graphicslab 9" for pages that they may have thought were missing, so tha they don't have to start over on them.
Boyer Valley Community Schools,
Challenging all students to meet their full potential
Ted's Column & Cartoons in the Mapleton PRESS
JUST Cartoons
Art, photos, graphic design and more
Monday, March 3, 2008
Chapter 2 Quiz
●Angle of view
●Normal focal length
●Focal length
●Telephoto lens (AKA: long focal length lens)
●Short focal length lens (AKA: wide angle lens)
●Macro lens
●Fisheye lens
●Plane of critical focus
●Zoom lens (not to be confused with telephoto)
●Lens-to-subject Distance (not in glossary see pg.42)
Photo essays
This is a moving "Photo Essay" from the LA Times about an Iraq War Vet