Monday, February 21, 2011

Mallory Sub Lesson Tues Feb 22

  1. Planning Period-
  2. Independent Study (IND) Digital Photography- Madison McDunough will take pictures, upload pictures to Flikr, comment on classmate's photos on Flickr, study for Friday's test, or do work for other classes.
    IND Ceramics- Rosario (during 1st &/or 2nd hr) will work independently on her project
  3. Ceramics- Students must write down the vocabulary term of the day before beginning work, then they may
    A) Work on their hand projects
    B) Fettle, Burnish, or Glaze older projects
    C) Throw pots on the wheel
    CLEAN-UP is very important, they should start at 10:57. The lid must be back on the barrel and the barrel should be back in the kiln room. Works in progress should be covered with plastic and in the "greenhouse" (metal cabinet in the kiln room). Please close the doors to the greenhouse when they leave.
  4. MS Art- DEAR time (silent reading) 11:29-11:49
    Tuesdays and Thursdays instead of Art some 7th graders have P.E., others will come to the Art room for study-hall. I'm okay if with them working on their Art projects, homework or reading, but no clay or paint and only limited, quiet talking.
    IND Drawing II- Nick Sullivan (during 4th) begin working on his latest drawing.
  5. Yearbook I- Brian Green, Cameron Park, & Billy Hollinger- work on headline worksheets (on counter)
    Yearbook II- Austin, Christian, Lacy, Ashley, Kayla, & Taylor- should be...
    A) Selling pre-orders for 2010-11 book
    B) Creating Layouts on
    C) identifying students in photos on
    IND Photo- Lucas (5th) please have Lucas do the same as Maddie in 2nd Hr Digital Photo
  6. Drawing II- Students should either
    A) Draw in their sketchbooks
    B) Work on Choice-Menu drawings, levels are on the board, menus and the books that exercises are found in are black magazine rack on the counter next to the projector.
    IND WebDesign II- Caitlin (5th) continue working through online JavaScript text book in graphics lab
    IND Painting- Melissa (5th) will continue working on her Fauvist painting
  7. MS Cheer- No practice today, if any show up, send them to study hall

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