Tuesday, February 10, 2015


1-2 PER CIVICS- Students will have an Essay assignment on GoogleClassroom. Tell them that they should use this entire class period to answer these two questions. If they do well, these questions may end up NOT being on the test as well.

Students must answer each question with no less than three COMPLETE sentences.

1) Describe the role of the judicial branch in making laws.

2) How did English law influence the development of American law?

3rd PER PAINTING- Student may begin their NeoExpressionist Paintings, probably be researching on their chromebooks or drawing first, but they may begin painting too if they feel they're ready:
  • Cartoony like Scharf, Guston, or Combas
  • Mixed with stuff like Kiefer
  • Surreal Images like Clemente or Baselitz
  • Paint on top of junk like Schnabel
  • Primitive Pictograms like Haring
  • Wild Creatures like Scharf

4th- FREE (Planning Period)

6th- WEB PROGRAMMING- Students should work on what they were assigned yesterday, they have these links in Google Classroom, Planbook.com and http://mrmallory.blogspot.com

5th- 7thGr.ART DEAR TIME 11:50-12:12PM, I'll be there for class.

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