In case you're missing something, here's what should be in it from 2nd Quarter:
- Perspective Knee- Nov. 1
- Doorway from 10 ft away- Nov. 5
- Corner of a room from 10 ft away- Nov. 6
- Distorted Perspective Hand- Nov. 26
- 4 sketches of eyes- Dec. 3
- 4 sketches of noses- Dec. 4
- 5 sketches of mouths- Dec 5
- 4 sketches of ears- Dec. 6
- Portrait (front-view) of Classmate- Dec. 7
- Copy of Sargent's Profile of a woman (pg.179 in book)- Dec. 11
- Profile of Classmate- Dec. 13
If you are unable to find your sketchbook, unable to bring it by tomorrow, or missing most or all of these assignments, please let me know and I'll enter an incomplete on JMC and give you the opportunity to complete these drawings by the end of January.