- Watched the video and filled out the study guide from http://digphoto.
wikispaces.com/00+Video%3B+ Photography+Connects+Us+ - Taken notes from the slide show and taken the online quiz on the history of photography on http://digphoto.wikispaces.
com/00+History+of+Photography - Read & studied pp.1-19 in Chapter 1 and taken the paper-quiz over it look for "Photo Chapt. 1A.pdf" on the bottom of http://digphoto.wikispaces.
com/01+Camer a - Shot a self-portrait and uploaded it to flickr AND added it to our class group-pool (was due Fri 1/18)
- Shoot some action (and/or) sports pictures and add them to the pool by Monday, Jan 18
Friday, January 25, 2013
Digital Photography as of Fri Jan 25
- Watched the video and filled out the study guide from http://digphoto.wikispaces.com/00+Video%3B+Photography+Connects+Us+
- Taken notes from the slide show and taken the online quiz on the history of photography on http://digphoto.wikispaces.com/00+History+of+Photography
- Read & studied pp.1-19 in Chapter 1 and taken the paper-quiz over it look for "Photo Chapt. 1A.pdf" on the bottom of http://digphoto.wikispaces.com/01+Camera
- Shot a self-portrait and uploaded it to flickr AND added it to our class group-pool (was due Fri 1/18)
- Shoot some action (and/or) sports pictures and add them to the pool by Monday, Jan 18
Art | Yearbook | Cheerleading | Newsletter | Web Coordinator
Monday, January 21, 2013
Mallory Sub Lessons Mon Jan 21
- Kari & Shelby- Read "MODULE 1: The Yearbook" (pp.7-11)- test Friday, I will have related activities for them to complete tomorrow or Wednesday.
- YBII- (Most of the class) Work on their pages, they can design layouts even before they have pictures for them. They receive a weekly "work" grade for their progress.
- YBIII&IV- (Ashley, Taylor, Robert, & Kameren) Work on Senior Section or help other students with their pages.
Friday, January 18, 2013
Mallory Sub Plans for Fri Jan 18
Wednesday, January 16, 2013
Tuesday, January 15, 2013
PHOTOGRAPHY; Self Portraits 2013
Here are some aspects to consider in your own self-portraits:
1) DESCRIBE SENSORY ELEMENTS; Its a little heavy on the yellows. Plenty of texture from the beard (too close-up?) Overall its bright.
2) ANALYZE FORMAL PRINCIPLES/COMPOSITION; The hoodie frames the face a little. Even though the mouth is big and open, most of the lines still lead your attention up to the eyes- the eye contact with the viewer engages us and holds our attention.
3) INTERPRET THE MEANING/CONTENT; Maybe Mr. Mallory has a rage problem, but there seems like there's a sense of humor, like its not really anger, but fake anger. Even though its funny, it isn't easy to keep looking at it for too long because its like he's invading your personal space, which is uncomfortable.
4) EVALUATE THE TECHNICAL QUALITIES; It seems a little pixelated, the low resolution probably comes from the fact that it was taken with an iPod rather than a camera. Its just a little out of focus too, although that may help the design (#2) and the expression (#3) because it adds to the action/shouting feel.
See how easy providing analysis and feedback can be? it might even be fun for some of you.
Saturday, January 12, 2013
History of Photography Quiz
Art | Yearbook | Cheerleading | Newsletter | Web Coordinator
Friday, January 11, 2013
7th Grade Art; 4 Phase Portrait
- Utility- corporate logos and trademarks like the McDonald's "golden arches" and the Nike "swoosh."
- Composition- nonobjective artists like Piet Mondrian, Ellsworth Kelly, or Joseph Elbers and cubists like Georges Braque and Pablo Picasso
- Depiction- Realists and Super-Realists from Michellangelo and Rembrant, to Chuck Close and Ralph Goings.
- Expression- Artists with distinct and emotional styles like August Rodin, Vincent Van Gogh, or Edvard Munch
Wednesday, January 9, 2013
Tues Jan 8- Ceramics Terms
- Wedging - A method of kneading clay to make it homogenous by cutting and rolling.
- Viscosity- The state of being thick, sticky, and semifluid in consistency, due to internal friction.
- Rule of Thumb- Anything thicker than your thumb needs to be hollow, this helps with structural integrity and prevents chemical water
Tuesday, January 8, 2013
Welcome to Digital Photography
- Here is the link to the History of Photography notes:
- Once you've got the notes, by or before this Friday (1/11) you'll want to go to http://digphoto.wikispaces.com/00+History+of+Photography and click on the link to take the History Quiz. Make sure to include your name & MY email address so that your results get sent to me. For future reference, our entire class is, links, assignments, etc. can always be found at http://digphoto.wikispaces.com
- Remember to register for a free account at http://www.flickr.com then search for "Mal Dog" to become contacts with me, then ask to become a member of our class group at http://www.flickr.com/groups/bvdigphoto By posting your assignments here, I will be able to grade them and we'll all be able to give you feedback on them. Please try to get registered by or before January 18, thanks.
- If you're interested in looking at my images, you can visit http://www.flickr.com/photos/tmallory/collections
- Remember that you can always see the list of Portfolio assignments by checking
http://digphoto.wikispaces.com/Portfolios - You must join Flickr for the class, but the following links are strictly optional- they may be interesting o helpful, but aren't really necessary:
- http://www.replayit.com is a way that you can upload your pictures directly to our yearbook! Fast, fun and FREE.
- http://www.facebook.com/group.php?gid=23493941870 is our class group on facebook. Find a cool app or link? Share it. Impatient for people to see your picture on flickr? Post it here first. Sorry, blocked at school (as it probably should be).
- http://www.flickr.com/groups/bvdigphoto On Pinterest? Its like facebook only much more visual and pretty much NO DRAMA. This link is a pin-board with tons of great examples as well as links to tutorials and resources if you're really serious about learning on your own.
Wednesday, January 2, 2013
Digital Photography
Once you're registered, please search for "Mal Dog" and add me as a contact. Then, you may want to visit our class group at http://www.flickr.com/groups/bvdigphoto and see if you can request membership in it. Once you're on flickr and one of my contacts, I'll make sure that I send you an invitation just in case.
FYI- you can pretty much find out whole class at http://digphoto.wikispaces.com