Monday, March 22, 2010

Mallory Sub Lessons Tues. 3/23

4. 7th Grade art

·   4-phased self portrait. Worksheets/directions will be on the island. Students will have examples of the 4 uses of art on one hand out. On the other, they'll have directions for drawing themselves 4 different ways. 

Directions: Draw yourself 4 times. In frame #1 devise a symbol, logo or trademark for yourself. In frame #2 you may use colors, shapes, designs, textures etc. and create an abstract, simplified picture of your face. It may look “cartoony”, like a robot, or simply bizarre. In frame #3 make an expressive portrait- that is, don’t exactly draw yourself- draw how you feel, draw your personality. And finally, in frame #4 make the most realistic, detailed, photographic, careful drawing of your face as you possibly can. If you do not finish in class, you may take this worksheet home and complete it as homework.

 6. Yearbook

·  Students should all be working on pages. If they are finished, they may use the time wisely as a study hall. They could go into the "image gallery" and identify ("tag") students in pictures. Casey & Christian may go to Mrs. Koenig's if they need to. Casey & Sasha may also work on Painting.

7. Drawing 1

·   Melissa Hanigan/ Independent Study- Melissa is working on her 18x24 self-portrait. 

Thank you Subs!