Saturday, January 31, 2009

Remembering Mrs. Weber

Susan Weber was the kind of teacher who inspires people to go into teaching.
She was the kind of a teacher whom those of us who go into teaching aspire to be like.

Our colleges and administrators and the state dept. of Ed and AEA consultants are constantly telling us that we need to maintain both rigor and relevance. Honestly I wonder sometimes how any teacher can possibly provide both. Teachers with rigorous standards often frighten or discourage students and teachers who bring learning alive by providing practical and meaningful relevance sometimes let kids get by with too much (or too little).

Susan was someone who somehow struck the perfect balance. I never knew a student who thought her classes were easy, but I at the same time, I don't remember ever hearing a single student say an ill word about her. On the contrary, I don't know of another teacher in our district and few elsewhere of whom so many students spoke with such admiration, appreciation and affection.

Just today a former student shared with me how much Susan Weber had challenged them, and at the same time encouraged them. They told me without a doubt that they would not be where they are today if it weren't for Susan.

She was truly gifted and she constantly and generously shared those gifts with others. What a gift we've all lost in her now that she is gone. Yet because she touched so many lives, her influence will be felt for generations.

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